Whistleblower Protection

Old manual typewriter keyboard.

False Claims Act & Whistleblower Protection

The False Claims Act is a congressional act under OSHA that protects whistleblowers from being retaliated by their employers. Under OSHA’s whistleblower statutes, your employer cannot take “adverse action” against you for reporting injuries, safety concerns, or other protected activity. The U.S. Justice Department reports that lawsuits filed under the Federal False Claims Act have recovered more than $33 billion between 1986 and 2012. More than $11 billion of those recoveries have resulted from lawsuits filed by whistleblowers acting under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act.

Under employment law, the False Claims Act provides compensation to employees who report their employer’s fraudulent behavior against the federal or state government. This area of law can be unfamiliar to many, so our experienced team at TCB Law is here to guide you through the process. We can walk you through filing a whistleblower claim and work with state and federal authorities to ensure you obtain your deserved compensation.

Filing Whistleblower Claims

In order to bring a whistleblower claim, You must first engage in “protected activity,” which is an attempt to direct attention to fraud or illegal activity. If an employer takes an adverse action against you because you have engaged in protected activity, you may have the right to file a claim.

Blowing the whistle on employer fraud, or abuse is not easy. Doing the right thing can lead to retaliation and termination. The Law Office of Thomas C. Bixby is here to help you navigate the complicated landscape of federal and state whistleblower law and your right to protection under it, including:

  • Government Program Fraud
  • Whistleblower SEC Law Claims
  • Health & Safety Violations

Representing Whistleblowers

If you are an employee or you know of an employee working for a company involved in fraudulently billing, diverting money from a state or the federal government, or involved in other illegal employment activity, contact TCB Law and we will gladly assist in the handling of your claim. 802-775-3229.

Call for a free consultation. Contact TCB LAW today.

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